ERP Software for Tea Manufacturing Industries, Accline Tea ERP inherits Accline ERP in its core. Further it contains the specialties of tea manufacturing industries. All operations of tea garden (cultivation, development, pre-processing and post-processing) and management office can be managed by this software.

Attendance and Payroll Module - ACCLINE T-Mate
AccLine T-Mate is a Laborer Deployment Management Software for Tea Manufacturing Company Automation. The software is facilitated for Worker Attendance and Work Measurement by using AI (Artificial Intelligence) based Face Recognition System. A mobile application is used here to take laborer or worker attendance in the workplace.

IoT Integration
Seamless on demand integration of IoT devices and machines in various production processes for enhanced efficiency
Bio-Metric Mobile Attendance using Face Recognition System
Wireless Smart Weighing Scale integration for Green Leaf Plucking
Analysis Head wise Work Measurement for development, cultivation and production
Cost Calculation for development, cultivation and production work
Daily Attendance & Work Measurement
Daily Wages Calculation based on realization of task
Daily Allowances Calculation
Summary Report for day/week/month/year
Yield Statement for the day/week/month/year
Daily Deductions for less work done
Sick, Leave and Maternity Management
Absenteeism Calculation
Weekly Wages Sheet
Monthly Wages Sheet
Incentive Sheet
Festival Bonus Sheet
PF Form (B Form & C Form)
Consolidated and Estate/Garden wise Dashboard
Multi-Company, Multi-Garden/Factory/Cost Centre
Analysis Head wise Work Measurement for devel
Web-based (Cloud/Client-Server)
Manage User and Group
Group wise User Role
Easy to learn, easy to operate, easy to maintain
Instant Access of Information
Speed & Accuracy
Cost Control & Savings
Increase efficiency of doing business
Integration with ERP or 3rd party modules

Fund Requisition Module
Fund Requisition from garden
Requisition approval by garden management
Requisition sending to Head office
Head office approval process
Fund sanction
Fund Remittance to garden
HO Memorandum Module
Head office payment on behalf of garden
Memorandums create for garden
Memorandums sending to garden
Posting of memorandums in garden books of accounts
Procurement Management Module
Purchase Requisition (Indent) create at garden
Garden management approval of requisition
Requisition send to Head office purchase department
Assignment of procurement staff
RFQ/RFP to vendors/suppliers
Purchase Order (PO) to vendors/suppliers
Goods Receive Notes (GRN) at store
Bills Receive from vendors/suppliers
Payment to vendors/suppliers
Purchase Return to vendors/suppliers
Debit/Credit Adjustment
Inventory Management Module
Manage General Store, Factory Store, Medical Center Store etc.
Manage Tea Grade wise Inventory
Store Receive from defined sources
Store Issue to defined destinations
Store Transfer among stores
Inter Garden Store Transfer
Inter Company Issue & Receive
Store Adjustment
Factory Warehouse Inventory of Made Tea
Auction Tea Warehouse Inventory
Petty Cash Module
Petty cash request create
Approval workflow of petty cash request
Accumulation of multiple requests
Prepare and print cheque
Disbursement of cash
Cash & Bank Operation Module
Cash Receipt
Cash Withdrawal from bank
Cash Deposit to bank
Cash Payment
Bank Receipt
Bank Payment
Bank Transfer
Cash Book
Bank Book
General Ledger Module
Journal Voucher
List of Transaction
Control Ledger
Subsidiary Ledger
Trial Balance
Profit & Loss Account
Balance Sheet
Cash Flow Statement
Fixed Asset Depreciation and Schedule
Create Note, File for Paperless Office
Multi-Lingual Support
Note, Forward (Mark to)
User Dashboard and Overall Dashboard
Accline's ERP software has transformed our operations. The integration of IoT devices and the new AI attendance system have significantly improved our efficiency and productivity.
Mubir M. Chowdhury